STD P200
Spine: SkyShark P200, 800mm + FSD split nock + inside brass weigth (diameter 6mm, lenth 70mm)
Upper Spreader: 5mm pultruded carbon 495mm
Lower Spreaders: Skyshark 5PT 660mm + Center Cross SkyShark
Leading Edge: SkyShark P200, 1450mm (800-825mm + 625-650mm)
Standoffs: 3mm carbon rod, 270mm distance sail to spreader
Tailweight: ca. 17,5 gr
Spine: SkyShark P2X, 800mm + FSD split nock + brass weigth inside (diameter 6mm, lenth 70mm)
Upper Spreader: 5mm pultruded carbon 495mm
Lower Spreaders: Skyshark 5PT 660mm + Center Cross SkyShark
Leading Edge: SkyShark 5PT, 1450mm (800-825mm + 625-650mm, cut the thin end of lower part)
Standoffs: 3mm wrapped fiberglass, 270mm distance sail to spreader
Tailweight: ca. 17,5 gr
Same sail shape as STD. The leading edge tunnels are made of spinnaker nylon instead of dacron.
Spine: SkyShark P1X, 800mm + FSD split nock + brass weigth inside (diameter 6mm, lenth 80mm)
Upper Spreader: 5mm pultruded carbon 495mm
Lower Spreaders: Skyshark 3PT 660mm + Center Cross SkyShark
Leading Edge: SkyShark 3PT, 1450mm (800-825mm + 625-650mm, cut the thin end of lower part)
Standoffs: 3mm carbon, 270mm distance sail to spreader
Tailweight: ca. 20 gr
[Return] @ SPO 📷 by Ulzburger
Upper: 50 cm
Outer: 47 cm
Inner: 56 cm
- Plan and Overview
- Panels with 6mm extra for the seams
- Output from the kite plan generator
- Shopping lists (in german)
Building notes
- The Leading Edge cutouts are measured from the wingtip, indicated by 0 mm on the plan file
- The center panel is one piece
- Before making the cuts in the leading edge, reinforce the dacron on the inside with a short piece of glass fiber tape. Alternative: Using mylar coated dacron (mylar inside)
- Position of the APA standoff connector on the Lower Spreader: 30 cm from thick end of spar to middle of APA
- For the UL version: The leading edge tunnels are made of spinnaker nylon instead of dacron.
- Click on this link to open the colorizers page by Katzengrafik.
- Some colorizer examples for inspiration by Birger
- Thread on
- Thread on GWTW-forum
- Thread on Fractured Axel forum
Sugarbaker’s [Return] Building Tutorial vlog
This will be a series of videos showing how I (Stephen Sugarbaker) build kites, and hopefully some good insight for those who want to start making their own.
Return Evolved from Dotmatrix on Vimeo.
VF34 from Krijn Hemminga on Vimeo.